A Call to Action for Effective Intervention Via FundingThe following gut-wrenching statistic proves effective intervention is necessary: over half of the women murdered in the United States...
In the News: Supreme Court Upholds Federal Gun ControlOn June 21, 2024, the Supreme Court upheld a federal gun control law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence. In their...
Public Policy, Inequality and Legal ProtectionsPublic policy in the U.S. plays a crucial role in addressing violence, inequality, and providing legal protections for individuals. By...
Teen Dating ViolenceAccording to the National Institute of Justice, teen dating violence (TDV) (also known as “intimate partner violence” among adolescents...
Support ServicesProviding accessible and effective support services for survivors, including shelters, counseling, legal assistance, and hotlines....
Prevention StrategiesImplementing strategies to prevent violence in all forms before it occurs, including early intervention programs, education campaigns,...
Education and AwarenessIncreasing awareness about our human rights and violence, its impact on individuals and society, and promoting gender equality and...
Laws and Protections for Victims of Domestic ViolenceEnsuring that laws and legal frameworks are in place to protect victims of domestic violence and hold perpetrators accountable is...